Thursday, February 11, 2010

Descending the Mt.

Yippee! The sickness is passing and I am slowly getting back to normal. In fact, Sunday afternoon that Excederin cleared my headache right up, work went smoothly, and I have been feeling better ever since (sorry to worry you with my sick-blogging). I'm still fighting some congestion but can tell I'm in that last phase of the cold. And Nathan has managed to avoid it altogether! That boy has a solid resolve against the sickies.

After a few days of warmth and some brilliant sunshine, we have slumped into winter days again. Cold and rainy. We've been pretty lucky this year (unlike the snowed in East coast) but nonetheless, I think I'm ready for Spring. Ready for the flowers, for the leaves to regrow, to wear t-shirts and take long walks again.

This week has been pretty slim for work hours have been sparse. I have been spending a couple hours each day at my friend's place to take care of her cats (Mueski and Spartan) while she is away...on a cruise, soaking up the Mexican sunshine. (jealous!) It's been nice to have somewhere else to visit, something outside my routine (home, work, grocery store). Plus, I don't mind sticking around because she has tons of tv channels--I'm taking my own little television vacation this week! whee!

And because I have no photos to post, I'll share this cute video...
I love those skinny dorky boys. :)

Kings of Convenience - I'd rather dance
Uploaded by HalJordan. - Explore more music videos.

Diane made a gif of this earlier this week...awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder..... Nathan did you teach this kid to dance ?