Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Weekly Cute

It happened again. I almost forgot the weekly cute.
Luckily Dad sent me a reminder and some sources, including these sweet little'll do. :)

You see, we've been running around quite a bit today to get ready for our trip tomorrow (!!!) There was: the regular kitten tending gig this morning, lunch to catch up with a friend, Christmas tree disposal, a library visit for airplane reading material, car cleaning, and now, some laundry and house cleanup. >phew<
We're so excited to get there! However, not so excited for the 30-40˚ temperature drop. Yikes!
Hopefully we'll see you in Iowa so soon! :)


Shelene said...

Have a safe trip, and be sure to don your warmest gear once you hit Des Moines. :) Looking forward to seeing you tonight!

kosure said...

Have a good time, and send by best to your family.