Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Weekly Cute

After that week of record breaking heat, we are now going to bed and waking up to 59 degrees. Crazy, huh? Today everything is back to normal, normal being temperate to chilly and overcast. I wouldn't object to a snuggle on this chilly, gray morning. I bet koalas are good snugglers.

I can't think of koalas without remembering Mitch Hedberg's koala bit (thanks to Nathan):
"My apartment is infested with koala bears. It’s the cutest infestation ever. Way better than cockroaches. When I turn on the light, a bunch of koala bears scatter, but I don’t want them too. I’m like, “Hey… Hold on fellows… Let me hold one of you, and feed you a leaf.”

I want a koala infestation!
Let me hoooold youu

1 comment:

Shelene said...

lol - i love it! :)