Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, Now Cuter Than Wednesday

Nathan is always very diligent to his work, and he has really been busting his backside over the past week for his final game presentation Tuesday. There was some last minute stressing this weekend as their deadline was narrowed down even farther, but in true form his team pulled it together right on time! I think he is relieved to have the work done and is ready to give an awesome final presentation tomorrow.

Tonight is the run through, but with the work done, we were able to hang out together this morning and afternoon. N needs to look sharp tomorrow and was looking a little shaggy (even though I think it's cute), so it was time for a trim.

(already totes cute)
(cute and employable!)

Looking good, eh? I think he looks a little more grown up and say, professional? wink!

- - -

And now, I must tell you:
While waiting in the park with an iced tea during N's hair cuttery...I experienced...a miracle.

I saw a man across the lawn carrying what I immediately assumed was a picnic basket, though a very large one. I even thought to myself, how nice to see someone actually using a basket to carry their picnic lunch. And then, as soon as he set the basket down, there emerged....

5 French Bulldog Puppies!!!!!

My mouth fell open and it took all I had to keep myself together. It was one of those moments of complete joy and awe, the likes of which are rarely seen. Naturally, the puppies drew quite a crowd.

Once Nathan joined me and the puppy crowd tapered off, I could no longer stay away. Fortunately for all the man was very friendly and generous. One little girl cradling a puppy was told twice by her mother that they had to leave before she whimpered and put the puppy down. Girl, I feel ya!

Perhaps I should have saved this for the Weekly Cute, but I could barely contain myself this long. Like a mad person, I am left wringing my hands, staring into distant nothingness muttering, Yes, it will be mine! however in a less terrifying, more pathetic, puppy induced fashion.
Is this little, chubby being pure happiness? I think so.


Shelene said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Brother! You look nice with your new 'do, and I'm sure you'll impress everyone's socks off with your team's presentation. No 'good' luck needed, but good vibes your way anywho. :)

Those puppies are adorable!!!

sheena said...


Callie, I am so jealous of you being able to play with all of those cuties! And in a picnic basket? I die...

Rock it out Nathan!

dobrya said...

Puppies in a basket! Sheena, I am french bulldog berserkers, so this was practically a cardiac arrest. I'm sure you can imagine!

Nathan's gonna kill it. He's a pro. :)