Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Old Boy's Club

I am intrigued and seduced by what our everyday lives would be like if our homes, or at least our closets, looked a little more like we have very serious lives that require suits and bourbons, like we should have professionally peaked in the 50s and enjoyed boxing matches. Tyler and Vinnie, I think you're with me on this...

It is this part of me, the side susceptible to the romance of musty accumulation and long histories, that doesn't quite recognize my designer self and sometimes vies for her attention...

Also, women and men dressing in Menswear.


kosure said...

Priceless. This, incidentally is what the inside of the Ralph Lauren store on Michigan looks like. Obviously sanitized, and less worn, but the same sort of thing.

dobrya said...

Incidentally this is a NYC J.Crew store (inside an old liquor store)....but I still think it's great.
Don't you love that Jason Schwartzman? Gosh.