Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nummular Eczema

Apparently, I have it.*

*Best guess by dermatologist via phone with my mother.
Sorry for the gross photo. I probably should have warned you. Not very ladylike of me.

Note: a disease most often found in men of their seventh decade.
Why do I get stuck with all the masculine geriatric skin illnesses? 


Shelene said...

yikes - sorry about the funky skin. :(

Does it itch? Hopefully you can find some relief and/or a cure!

Have a great weekend!

Lily said...

I feel your pain! I was recently diagnosed with nummular/discoid eczema and it is DRIVING ME MAD! It's so itchy, especially at night, and is affecting just about every part of me from my neck down to my knees, the worst patches on my back. I'm onto my second dose of steroid tablets and a high strength steroid cream. I hope we both get better soon!